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new year's resolution 2018
I kinda left you hanging with some things to think about and digest (sorry, I still have a full belly and food on my mind) in the last blog entry. Certainly, they re interesting key points to discern. Do we set ourselves up for failure every year because of the New Years Resolutions 2018 we make? Or is it our lack of knowledge, understanding, planning and beliefs in regards to our resolutions that sets us up for failure, not the resolutions?

Let us continue to peel the layers of the New Years Resolutions, so we can get some answers and become educated at making our resolutions this year; therefore, sticking with them and achieving real success in 2018.
In about 30 days, you will set and hopefully write your resolutions for the upcoming year so, I m wondering, how much preparing are you doing now and in the next 30 days for that?
I can already hear some people say: Preparation, I dont plan on doing any preparation. Since I didnt accomplish last years resolution, I m planning on making the same one again this year
As a Coach and former Marine I can tell you and pardon the expression but its extremely accurate; piss poor proper prior planning and preparation will result in well, I don t think I need to say it, but here we have one of the top reasons why we fail at following through with our resolutions. We dont plan to fail, we fail to plan.
Truth is-resolutions are normally made without giving them full thoughts and considerations. Here is a question to ask yourself: how complex is the resolution you re about to make?
Lets do some dissecting of one of the top 10 most common resolutions people make from the previous blog, the resolution to find a better job. What does that involve?
  1. Having a clear picture of your current status and situation
  2. Having a clear understanding of why you want a new and better job
  3. Knowing what you are seeking from the new job
    1. Better pay
    2. Better work environment
    3. More challenges
    4. Greater Opportunities
    5. New career path
  4. How are you going to go about finding your better job?
  5. Do you need to go back to school first? Get updated certifications?
  6. Are you prepared to relocate? What does that involve?
  7. Is your resume updated?
  8. Do you have financial reserves?
  9. Do you have an established and current networking circle?
Okay, so that was just from the top of my head a few things to start thinking about and considering. I m thinking that perhaps making a New Years Resolution to update your resume and re-establish a solid networking circle would get you closer to the ultimate goal of finding a better job. And by the way, I can think of a slew of considerations involved in updating a resume and establishing a solid network.
Dwell on that for a little while. I would love your thoughts and comments. Next, well address whats at the root of some of those top 10 most common resolutions.
Coach Ann
More Unveiling More Unveiling Reviewed by ITmastee on 18:01 Rating: 5

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