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Intro for Coach Sue

new year's resolution coaching program 2018
Hello Dear New Year's Resolutionists 2018! We're getting close to the end of a wonderful year and beginning an exciting new one. Hey Ann, I love your movie offer! You mean all I have to do is let LGS know what my New Year's resolution is oh, can I participat as a Coach? Either way, pretty cool deal, I'd say. I can't wait to meet everyone in January because we're going to have a LOT of fun.
By the way, I'm Coach Sue Copper, I know I talk funny, but my real essence underneath all the laughter and fun, is Peace. It's what I want for myself, what I want for the world, and what I love to coach people around.
How can you get some peace in your life? In all things, peace comes when we make higher choices for ourselves, when we finally decide to allow what may come to come. NOW is the time to uncover and discover that thing inside you that's causing you to be restless and anxious.
January is always an exciting time to reach for new goals and dreams, and when our New Year's program here at LGS gets rolling after the first of the year, you'll have all the excitement, determination and support that you need to get you going. We're not going to let you fail at reaching your goal(s) either, so come prepared to work hard, even if you're not quite sure exactly what your specific goal might be. We're going to teach you the skills to define it.
I'm looking forward to meeting those of you who are joining our program and will look for you here on the blog. What are YOU and YOUR friends resolving to make happen this coming New Year???
Coach Sue
Intro for Coach Sue Intro for Coach Sue Reviewed by ITmastee on 16:26 Rating: 5

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