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The Unveiling of New Year Resolutions 2018

The Unveiling of New Year Resolutions 2018
Now, that weve had a bit of a history lesson about New Year Resolutions 2018 its time to buckle down and really discuss what we know about them.
Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions are:
1. Exercise more/Lose weight
2. Stop smoking
3. Stick to a budget
4. Save or earn more money
5. Find a better job
6. Become more organized
7. Stop procrastinating
8. Be more patient at work/with others
9. Eat healthier
10. Become a better person
Looking at the top 10 most common New Year Resolutions its apparent that we, those of us who make resolutions, do so with a goal in mind. There is something we wish to be, accomplish, change or obtain. However, what most of us do, is arbitrarily set our resolutions based on our shortfalls or a desired outcome and end result in mind.
For example, my shortfall is, I spend too much money and cant handle money so my resolution for this year is, to stick to a budget? Just some food for thought, but if you dont know how to manage your budget or handle money, what does sticking to a budget mean to you?
So to no surprise, a few weeks (for some its just a few days and a selected few, it might be months) into the New Year, we renounce our resolutions and surrender ourselves to the way things are and have always been. Here are 10 reasons why:
Top 10 Most Common Reasons Why People Will Not Succeed:
1. Made too big of a resolution
2. Made the wrong resolution
3. Lacked a plan for success
4. Made a resolution for someone else
5. Lacked support
6. Lacked a genuine commitment
7. Lacked motivation
8. Lacked passion towards the resolution(s)
9. Insufficient resources
10. Had little to no accountability
Hmmm does this mean that every year we have a tradition that technically sets up for failure? Or, is it our lack of knowledge, understanding, planning and beliefs in regards to our resolutions that sets us up for failure, not the resolutions?
Coach Ann Bernard
The Unveiling of New Year Resolutions 2018 The Unveiling of New Year Resolutions 2018 Reviewed by ITmastee on 13:39 Rating: 5

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