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Know Exactly Why you Make your Resolutions 2018

Know Exactly Why you Make your Resolutions 2018
Yesterday, I was interviewed by a reporter from the Washington Post about New Years Resolution and our upcoming New Years Resolution Coaching Program. All and all it went well and the questions were the same type of questions Id answered in previous interviews but then, I was asked a question that took me a bit by surprise.
Rachel, the Washington Post reporter asked me: What is one resolution you have not followed through with? Seems to be an obvious question to ask, but not one that I'd been asked or had thought about. However, it didnt take me long to give an answer.
When I was younger and through my years in the Marine Corps, I always made one resolution every year that I never have follow through with: the resolution to learn sign language.
Why did I make that resolution? Dont know. I think I always made the resolution because I thought it would be something cool and interesting to learn and know. I didnt need to learn it. I didnt then and still dont know anyone who speaks sign language.
This brings us to an excellent point to make about New Years Resolutions. Know WHY you are making them. Clearly identify your intentions behind why you want to make any of your resolutions. This includes: knowing the reasons why, whats the desired outcome, and exactly who does the resolution serve. This can be done by taking the time to have a good internal dialogue about every resolution you make, or asking someone to help you with the conversation.
The goal is to identify a minimum of five strong reasons why the resolution is the right one for you. Be sure to verify that the reasons are connected with what you really want rather than what someone else wants for you, or a way to follow the latest trend. If you cant do this, you may have to rethink your resolutions or risk not being successful in achieving them like I was with learning sign language!
Coach Ann
Know Exactly Why you Make your Resolutions 2018 Know Exactly Why you Make your Resolutions 2018 Reviewed by ITmastee on 12:29 Rating: 5

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